September 2015

Details: Balconies

It is no exaggeration to say that having a balcony changed my life: it arrived with my second flat and like a good friend, I have come to know and …

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Freiburg: Vauban

Scheme: Vauban | City: Freiburg | Clients: Various Baugruppen, Co-ops, SUSI | Masterplan Architect: Kohlhoff + Kohlhoff | Architect: Various | Landscape Architect: Various Resident feedback: ‘We are called terrorists, extremists… …

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Vienna: Haus Mit Veranden + Kabelwerk

Scheme: Haus Mit Veranden | City: Vienna | Client: Heimbau + Eisenhof | Architect: Rudiger Lainer | Landscape Architect: tbc Scheme: Kabelwerk | City: Vienna | Client: Kabelwerk Developers Ltd | …

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Vienna: Karl Marx Hof + Alt Erlaa

Scheme: Karl Marx Hof | City: Vienna | Master Client: Gemeinde Wien | Architect: Karl Ehn | Landscape Architect: tbc Scheme: Alt Erlaa | City: Vienna | Building Owner: GESIBA | Architect …

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Vienna: Aspern + Nordbahnhof

Scheme: Aspern | City: Vienna | Master Client: Wien 3420 | Developers: Various | Masterplan Architects: Johannes Tovatt | Architects and Landscape Architects: Various Scheme: Nordbahnhof | City: Vienna | Master Client: Stadt …

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Prague + Vienna: Frank + Zaha

Frank. Zaha. No. That’s all I want to say.  

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Berlin: Martashof

Scheme: Martashof | City: Berlin | Developer: Stofanel | Architects: Grüntuch Ernst Architekten | Landscape architect: tbc Resident feedback: ‘The shutters make lovely patterns when I close them. The street is …

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Berlin: UNESCO Estates

Scheme: Wohnstadt Carl Legien | City: Berlin | Developer: GEHAG | Architects: Bruno Taut + Franz Hillinger | Landscape architect: Bruno Taut (Other UNESCO estates: Ludwig Lesser; Legerecht Migge) Cafe owner/info …

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Berlin: Spreefeld

Scheme: Spreefeld | City: Berlin | Developer: Co-op (Genossenschaft) of 50 ish households | Architects: FAT Koehl; BAR Architekten; Silvia Carpaneto Architekten | Landscape architect: n/a Resident feedback: ‘The location is …

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Berlin post tomorrow. In the meantime, what is this complicated and ‘talkative’ Berlin building? Prize to first correct answer…

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